The Tetrad Series

A Tetrad lunar eclipse cycle is counted when the yearly lunar eclipse falls on the 1st and last days of the Holy Days of the Judeo/ Christian Calendar representing what is traditionally accepted among Christians as the 1st and 2nd coming of Christ, the beginning and the end.

The Tetrad itself was loaded with information. Astonishingly On 28/9/2015 the 4th Blood Moon of the Historic Tetrad Alignment started at 1.11 UTC and lasted for 1 hour 11 minutes!

The timeline picture shows that the that the date correlation with the first and last holy days continues into a third year making a 6 moon series? These were only partial eclipses but I have included them in the extended Sextet Series for anyone who wants to collect.

In summary, during 2017 there was a series of spectacular planetary alignments, almost every day something new. Amongst them was 4 close conjunctions of Jupiter and Venus which the media were referring to as the same star sequence that the wise men followed to the birth of Christ.
So technically #111 is impossible! Its a conjunction within a conjunction within a conjunction all coded with sequence numbers and pointing to the #79 Double 111 Eclipse of 28.9.2015.
MIRACLE FACTOR : MAXIMUM - Certain high miraculous extra dimensional fractal wonderment with number and complex information encodement relating to prophesy fulfilment or directly to world events. Certain conscious communication and confirmation of faith.
The Tetrad Series includes #51, #57, #63, #73 and #79. The Extended Series includes, #85 and #112. I have added #86 & #88 for those who want to collect the individual eclipses of the Historic Sextet.
Basic Tetrad Series - Tea and Miracles 15oz mug (USA)
This is the first completed Set of the 2014/2015 Tetrad Series and...
Tetrad Series Tree Decorations, a simple set for Thanksgiving and Christmas
Make sure to check back daily for new products, #events and collection...

#51 - Made with Miracles Necklace embedded with a REAL miracle - 2014/2015 Tetrad - with 4 Eclipses embedded in the picture

These are Christmas Miracles
🅴🆅🅴🅽🆃 #3 - New York Christmas Day Eclipse from 11.10 until 2.22 - 25.12.2000 🅼🅵 9
For witnesses in New York this Christmas Day Eclipse started at 11.10...
🅴🆅🅴🅽🆃 #83 - British Christmas Day Supermoon peaks at 11.11 - 25th December 2015 🅼🅵11
In 2015 there was a rare Christmas Day Supermoon, when the moon...
🅴🆅🅴🅽🆃 #47 - Thanksgiving Hanukkah Day with Comet Lightshow - 28.11.2013 🅼🅵12
On November 28th 2013 “Comet” ISON #17 made this Flaming torch as...