#51 - Made with Miracles - Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas Decoration (4 shapes) - Tetrad Cross
#51 - Made with Miracles - Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas Decoration (4 shapes) - Tetrad Cross
EVENT #51 - THE TETRAD BLOOD MOONS OF 2014/2015 - This rare grouping of 4 Blood Moon Eclipses normally takes place over 2 years and refers to the Apocalypse and the 2nd Coming of Christ. The 4th eclipse started at 1.11 UT and lasted for 111 minutes. This Historic Tetrad extended into a 3rd year making an impossible Sextet #85 with 6 blood moons. The Tetrad Series is complete with only 4 events, but there are over 10 events in this epic presented in an Extended Tetrad Series. This picture incorporates the 4 eclipses of the Tetrad.
BLESS EVERYTHING with these highly collectable ceramic decorations embedded with a REAL MIRACLE revealing the personality of God. Many different pictures, shapes and bundles are available so you can mix and match all your decorating needs in one go. Complete with gold hanging string its Perfect for Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Birthdays, Bar Mitzvahs and Christmas decorations and Tree Decorations, or for any time you want to hang miracle impregnated ceramic ornaments around the place.